Saudi Arabia is set to become the next hub of global tourism, according to a tourism official.

Saudi Arabia is set to become the next hub of global tourism, according to a tourism official.

According to a major investment forum, Saudi Arabia is aiming to attract over 30 million pilgrims and 100 million tourists annually as part of its Vision 2030 economic reform plan.

The tourism industry's potential remains untapped in this transformation program, which not only promotes economic growth and diversification, but also fosters a cultural revival and heritage enhancement.

The Saudi Minister of Transport and Logistics, Saleh bin Nasser Al-Jasser, spoke at the annual Saudi-European Investment Forum in Riyadh about its vision to boost the number of Hajj and Umrah pilgrims and tourists to over 100 million annually, aligning with Vision 2030.

He stated that Saudi Arabia is prepared to invest in SR1. By collaborating with the private sector and multiple countries, the objective is to enhance quality of life while connecting services to individuals without imitating traditional models, according Tokari.

We plan to invest SR1 in the next decade. The private sector and multiple countries have a joint partnership worth 6 trillion. He declared that whave created two vital aviation bases, aided the citizens' necessities, and connected the Kingdom to the world through 250 tourist spots.

ASFAR, the newly established Saudi Tourism Investment Co., has stated that thistrategy is benefiting both tourists aninvestors, redefining tourism as a significant global hub.

According to ASFAR, the Kingdom is brimming with natural wonders, from deserts to lush green mountains, stretching from the Red Sea coast to breathtaking landscapes.

These treasures are not only located in geography but also reflect our vibrant culture and heritage. We are obliged to showcase these treasures to the world, urging visitors to experience the hospitality, warmth, and magnificence of Saudi Arabia and its people.

The public investment fund's launch of ASFAR has given fresh impetus to the Kingdom' s hospitality drive.

ASFAR's goal is to advance the tourism industry and chart a new course for its future.

It is a multifaceted gem that can create ripple effects in many areas, from employment to cultural exchange. Our vision is for a future where every corner of our country can offer exceptional resorts, luxury hotels and unforgettable cultural experiences that will leave visitors spellbound.

Saudi Arabia's hotel sector is estimated to earn around $2. The amount is expected to rise from 5 billion this year to over $3 billion by 2027.

According to ASFAR, the hospitality industry has a lot of potential for both investors and the Kingdom itself, as evidenced by this.

Through its rich cultural heritage, dramatic landscapes, and long-standing hospitality practices, Saudi Arabia has fostered the country's rise as a major player in the world of tourism, culture development (including film festivals and concerts), and entertainment.

According to ASFAR, they have embarked on a mission to revive significant heritage and archaeological sites in order to showcase our cultural heritage to an international audience, utilizing modern amenities, extensive infrastructure, and exceptional connectivity.

The investment climate iSaudi Arabia has improved. The tourism and hospitality sectors have been transformed by the presence of global hospitality brands, as well as local hotel chains and food and beverage networks.

ASFAR partners with the public and private sectors to drive tourism aspirations in Saudi Arabia, leveraging the hospitality, retail, F&B, and entertainment industries. The company's objective is to sustainably advance the country' economy and create jobs, while also improving the well-being of its inhabitants and visitors. Saudi Arabia is making significant investments in heritage tourism to safeguard, develop, and promote its cultural legacy and historical traditions. To attract entertainment seekers, the Kingdom has implemented projects like Diriyah and AMAALA, which align with the Vision 2030 goals by promoting ecotourism, adventure tourism, and wellness tourism. Developments like NEOM and the Red Sea Project are taking advantage of Saudi Arabia's natural beauty by creating modern tourist attractions that prioritize environmental sustainability.

We want to leave a good legacy. The environment and local communities are both respected by us, along with our projects. According to ASFAR, they prioritize preserving and improving local ecosystems by celebrating these resources rather than just developing them.

In the first nine months of 2022, Saudi Arabia had more than 18 million inbound visitors, making it the top country among Arab countries for tourism, according to UN World Tourism Organization data.
Word count: 240


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